7 Ways To Keep Clothing Out of Rubbish Removal

7 Ways To Keep Clothing Out of Rubbish Removal
  1. Give Your Clothes To Charity Shops

    The Guardian reported on April 7, 2017, that UK citizens would be throwing out an estimated 235 million pieces of clothing that will end up in the landfill over the course of this single year. We HAVE to stop this environmentally and socially harmful practice. Giving your used clothes to charities is probably the most obvious way of rescuing them from your rubbish removal bin. However, how do you know, really know, that the clothes you donate are getting resold or given away and not just being thrown out? We suggest you volunteer at your target charity for at least a few days to get a sense of how they handle donations. If you see something that bothers you, you can decide to donate elsewhere and or you can speak up and offer them advice on how to reuse and upcycle more of the clothing they get.

    2. Make a Booking WithClearabee

    You’ve probably heard of Clearabee because they’ve quickly gained a reputation as a highly dependable rubbish removal company that is dedicated to doing things right! Instead of putting your old clothes in the rubbish removal bin, you can call Clearabee for a booking and they can usually pick up the same day you call. Why would it be important to hire Clearabee over your local council bin men? Glad you asked 🙂 Clearabee has an amazing NINETY PERCENT track record on recycling or reusing everything they pick up! They do this by maintaining an extensive database of places that will accept clothing for recycling and or for mending and being sold in resale or charity shops, rather than sending the clothing to the landfill! Also, if you put your old clothing in your regular bin, it will more than likely end up in a landfill. To ensure your clothing gets to right place, help Clearabee out by telling them what you have is clothing. Clearly labeling your box or bag as “CLOTHES” will also help it get to the right place. Plus, keep the clothing separate from other items ready for pickup.

    3. Learn How To Sew

    Okay, we know what many of you are thinking… not me, I could never learn to sew! However, we’re not talking about becoming a world famous fashion designer! We’re talking about learning the basics on how to repair your own clothes and maybe how to make simple clothes using simple patterns and simple techniques. To find a sewing class in your area, let Google be your friend. Simply google, “sewing class for beginners” and add your city or geographic region. You may be surprised at how classes designed for beginners may pop up. Not only will you keep clothing out of your rubbish removal, you’ll also have fun and save a lot of money in the process. Many people find sewing quite relaxing too…. they say it’s a “zen thing!” Guys, don’t be shy about sewing classes… hint: it’s a great way to meet women!

    4. Start a Sewing Charity

    Are you already handy with a needle and thread? Do you have some spare time to give if it would make a big difference? If yes to both, why not start a sewing charity? For people who simply can’t afford to have their clothes mended, and perhaps for clothing where it would be cheaper to toss it in the rubbish removal bin and buy a new garment, you could collect the clothing in need of repair and distribute it to people who could volunteer to mend it for free! You could even have an old fashioned “sewing circle” with your fellow volunteers to make it more fun.

    5. Give Away Clothing At a Night Shelter

    Do you have a warm old coat, scarves, winter shoes, children’s school clothes, pyjamas, or other used clothing still full of life? If you volunteer at a night shelter or a charity shelter, you’ll have the perfect place to find these items a very appreciative home as you interact with the homeless people at the shelter. For example, you may find a woman who has an interview for a job but she doesn’t have any professional clothes that will help her make the right impression. You amy have a business suit in your closet you haven’t worn in years that would be perfect! Sometimes giving of your own personal time, rather than just dropping off a box of old clothes, will give you the opportunity to find the right home for the right clothes… and keep them out of your rubbish removal.

    6. Wash Your Clothes On the Cold and Gentle Cycle

    One of the reasons we bin so many clothes is we don’t take care our clothes in a way they’ll last as long as they should. We use hot or warm water, plus a rigorous cycle, when we don’t really need to. This shortens our clothing’s lifespan a lot. We use detergents that are too strong and break down the fibers. We leave our zippers open to sink their teeth into our delicate fabrics and rip holes. We do the same with our bra hooks. We don’t take the time to turn our shirts inside out so they won’t bead up and force us to bin them. Taking better care of your clothing is a great way to keep them out of your rubbish removal bin.

    7. Join a Nudist Colony

    Ha ha, made you laugh! Okay, we’re just kidding here… but you do have to admit, this act would indeed mean you wouldn’t have to buy new clothing or bin it anymore! See, laughter really is the best medicine. Have a great day!


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