What Causes Skin Tags?

What Causes Skin Tags?

What Causes Skin Tags?

what causes skin tagsThe condition black girl is quite common but you may be wondering what causes skin tags. These skin flaps on the body are not a form of cancer although they could be described as a tumor. The skin tag protrudes kids.com from the skin and can be found on almost any part of the body. The common places where you will find them include; eyelids, neck, chest, groin area, under the breasts, and under the armpits. Many people develop skin tags after they reach middle-age.

What Causes Skin Tags?

Skin tags are believed to be caused by a number of factors. One of them is the action of skin rubbing off skin; usually because people are quite overweight. Pregnant women are also at risk of developing skin tags and so are those with type 2 diabetes. You will most often find these skin tags in parts of the body where folds of skin have developed. The tags are comprised of blood vessels and collagen that have become trapped and have been forced into forming this blemish. Some people also seem to be genetically predisposed to forming these skin flaps.


How to Deal with Skin Tags

Know that you know what causes skin tags you might also be interested in ways to deal with them. Surgery is one option and a lot of people automatically choose this avenue without considering the other alternatives. This is a pity because there are other ways of dealing with skin tags and these tend to be a lot less costly and not as stressful as going under the knife of a plastic surgeon.

Other than surgery there are a few 100% natural methods that have proved effective for thousands of people. One of the most praised is a product called DermaTend which has also proved successful with treating moles. These products only contain natural ingredients and they work without causing any negative side-effects. The solution is usually absorbed by the skin flap and it then works to destroy the flap from within.

The great thing about this solution is that you can do everything from home and you won’t notice any discomfort while these products are working. Just be warned though, that not all of these natural methods work and you are best advised to stick with a reputable name. The other great benefit of choosing a natural produce is that they are a lot cheaper than going the surgical route.


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