When I see some of these stores, the first thing that comes to my mind is fake. I have fallen for a lot of fake stores that sell fake products. When I came across the store, I was sceptical. I was a little nervous about ordering a fake product but decided it was worth the gamble. The price looked really good and I wanted to get a lovely gift to mark my wife’s birthday anniversary.
The purse arrived in about 10 days even though I wish it would have been sooner. I was really nervous because I wanted something special for my wife. She likes purses so that was the perfect gift for her. When the gift arrived, it looked perfect to me. It didn’t look worn out or faded like the one I got from a fake store earlier. My wife saw the birthday gift and she was estatic. She thinks I spent $5000. She treasures it like the original. That’s a win in my book.
I was also nervous because of the payment system. I had to use Western Union and I was scared I was being robbed. I didn’t believe I would get the purse until it arrived in 10 ten days. When I saw the purse, I knew the risk paid off. At the end of the day, it was worth it.
One advice for the owners of the store. There should be other options besides Western union or Money gram to make payment. Although, this is not strange, new customers may be sceptical because they are afraid to be scammed.
It was this product http://www.chanelpurses.cn/67085-small-boy-chain-quilted-burgundy-lambskin-ghd that I got. It is a beautiful purse that I am sure a lot of ladies will like. It is fashionable and chic.