Tea Tree Oil For Skin Tag Removal

Tea Tree Oil For Skin Tag Removal

Tea Tree Oil For Skin Tag Removal

People are often keen to remove skin tags as they can be an unsightly blemish in some circumstances and can cause considerable distress. Most of the time these skin tags are harmless benign tumors that will cause no harm if they were left alone. In other cases they could be malignant, which is an entirely different matter. Providing the tag is safe to remove there are some pain free and non-intrusive ways to do this. Something that is rapidly gaining in popularity is the use of Tee Tree Oil.

How Does Tee Tree Oil Remove Tags?

The extract from Melaleuca Alternifolia is used to  ‘dry out’ the tag until it disappears. The thought behind the application of tee tree oil is that it cuts off the supply of nutrients to the tag because it dries it out. Eventually it should die and drop off. The active ingredients of the oil are terpinen 4-ol and cineole. The latter though is known to irritate the skin on some occasions.

What are the Side Effects?

There are really very little side effects of using this natural remedy. The oil itself has antiseptic qualities which mean that there is little risk from any infections and it has been used to treat skin as well as other problems for thousands of years. The Aboriginal people of Australia used to bathe in it to rejuvenate themselves. One side effect you may have thought is that people will not want to spend a lot of time around you because of its smell. The odor is very strong and distinctive and if you are applying it regularly it could become a nuisance.

How Often Do I Need to Apply Tee Tree Oil for Tags?

The recommended amount of applications is around three per day in your waking hours. This is okay if you are at home but it can be a bit of a pain if you are working with others through the day. The good news is that it doesn’t take long to start working and results can normally be seen within a few days of starting the applications.

How Do You Apply Tee Tree Oil to Tags?

The skin should of course be clean and dry before you attempt any application. You should then use something like cotton wool or a cosmetic cleansing pad with a few drops of the oil applied to the surface of the pad. The skin tag should then be rubbed with the oil and massaged until some of the oil has been absorbed which is usually around two to three minutes.

How long Does It Take Before My Tag Is Removed?

This will vary from person to person and you can sometimes see some very quick results. It will also depend on the size of the area being treated. A good Guideline is to be prepared to treat the area for around a month but in some circumstances that time can be halved.


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