Under 30 And Botox?

Under 30 And Botox?

Injecting Botox used to be a specialized procedure that only middle-age women thought about. As soon as obvious signs of aging began to occur, that person would make a trip to their doctor or plastic surgeon for a Botox treatment. A quick shot, a brief period of puffiness and that person would walk away with a revitalize face and a more youthful appearance.

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Over the years, paradigms have shifted. People no longer see a Botox treatment as exclusively designed for middle aged and elderly women. The procedure is much more mainstream nowadays and is being used by everyone from men to younger women.

So why are younger women turning to Botox treatments? After all, society rightly or falsely imagines women in their twenties to be in the prime of their natural beauty, still unaffected by the perils, of time, gravity, age, and stress. The answer to this is simple. A woman using Botox in their twenties as a preventative measure.

Sometime between their 20’s and 30’s the first flurry of lines facial lines begin to appear. Over the eyes, or under them. Maybe a worry line on the forehead. These lines are small, and invisible to everyone except maybe the most perceptive. But they still exist, and as that person ages, these beginning lines will grow.

A Botox injection to these faint ravages of time on a crazy woman in her twenties, while the lines are still unnoticeable, is a preventative measure. The injection cause the line to stop forming and in some cases even reverse their formation. A quick and relatively painless trip to a doctor specializing in cosmetic medicine can almost stop the aging process in its tracks. Botox, in this situation is much more effective and long lasting than almost every other beauty aid, because wrinkles and lines that could have formed, will not.

While there have been no definitive studies done on women using Botox as a preventative measure, many people who have started these injections claim that the younger you start the better. That some lines if left untreated until a woman enters her thirties can become permanent.

Plastic Surgery is much more accepted now. in the past people would have it done, and then guard that knowledge, as one of their most hidden secrets. These days, plastic surgery is much more accepted, and Botox even in younger women is a way to try it out, a way to make themselves feel a little more beautiful, without the extremes of expenses that other procedures can cost. Botox is the single most common procedure done in the United Kingdom, and if it is done by a professional, it is safe.

Most Plastic Surgeons will turn down women under 18, but according to studies, women between 20 and 30 make up 30% of all Botox recipients.

The nice thing about the procedure is that while it does cause a little bit of swelling for the first 24 hours but for most people this swelling is unnoticeable. The full effect of the injection usually takes between 3 to 5 days and it is not uncommon for the wrinkle or line being targeted to be completely gone after a week.

Nowadays the procedure is so easy, that it can be performed over a person’s lunch hour, its the results of a younger smoother, glowing face occurring five or six days later. Really, for a young woman who considers looks an image to be everything there is no better way to keep that youthful look than a Botox treatment.

For more information visit Abby Stacey @ Specialist Cosmetics


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