Human Papillomavirus and Skin Tags

Human Papillomavirus and Skin Tags

hpv virus skin tagsHuman Papillomavirus is only relatively recently been identified as a possible contributing factor to  Force the development of skin tags. HPV has already been linked to Klamath Basin Trust other benign skin growths so it comes as no real surprise to find that it is also related to skin tags. Unfortunately this does not mean that we now fully understand what causes these growths on the skin as HPV is only viewed as one possible contributing factor.

How HPV Causes Skin Tags

Before we can delve more fully into how HPV might cause skin tags it is important that we make clearer what we mean by both of these conditions. A skin tag is a benign growth on the skin; it is usually about half an inch in length and protrudes from the skin on what looks like a stalk. It is believed that about 50% of the population will develop skin tags at some period in their life and the arrival of this skin problem is not viewed as anything serious. There are no health problems associated with skin tags, but they can have a negative impact on a person’s mental well being because they feel embarrassed by these skin growths.

Human Papillomavirus is a type of virus that has been associated with a number of different skin problems and cancers. One of the most well known forms of HPV is genital warts but it is also viewed as being involved in cervical cancer. The association with skin tags is still being investigated but a recent study found that HPV was sometimes present alongside skin tags. HPV is known as a sexually transmitted virus due to its association with genital warts, but certain types of HPV can be obtained through skin to skin contact.

The association of HPV with serious conditions like cervical cancer will likely worry people, but there really is no cause for alarm. Skin tags are not associated with any type of cancer and they have not been seen to cause any other health problems. It is possible that the sudden arrival of skin tags might indicate something like diabetes, but this is rare and the skin tag does not cause any condition to arise.

Dealing with Skin Tags Due to HPV

The good news is that no matter what the cause of your skin tags the way to deal with them will tend to be the same. There are a number of treatment options available that will mean that these skin growths can be dealt with effectively and without any risk. Of course there are plenty of people who decide not to do anything about them at all; this is acceptable because as we have already found these skin tags are generally harmless. The main reason why a lot of people do want to have these skin tags removed is that they feel a bit embarrassed by them. This is understandable and the fact that it is usually so easy to have the skin tags removed means that there is no real reason not to.


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