Some New Treatments For Opioid Addiction In 2018

Some New Treatments For Opioid Addiction In 2018

Opioid dependence is a canker as numerous people have destroyed their lives because of this addiction. Opioid cases have increased in the past few years and it is becoming increasingly important to control this prevailing addiction for the betterment of the society.


As New Year brings a lot of new opportunities, opioid drug addicts also have a number of new hopes that can help them get better. With this New Year many new choices have evolved that help the drug addicts achieve their goal much faster. Some new drugs have been approved by the FDA as the treatment for opioid addiction and help in relieving withdrawal symptoms. You can get yourself enrolled in a good addiction treatment center to get these new and improved addiction treatments.

New Treatments for Opioid Addiction in 2018:


FDA (The Food and Drug Administration) approved a few new drugs as a treatment of opioid addiction. Below are listed these new treatments:

  1. Zubsolv:

Zubsolv is a new wonder drug which is a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone both of which are excellent for treating opioid addiction. Zubsolv comes in a minty menthol flavor and is manufactured by a Swedish drug making company named Orexo. It dissolves under the tongue and so it is easy to take. People who are suffering from opioid addiction can be treated with this drug along with proper psychosocial support and counselling. A great benefit of this drug is that it shows great results in even small dosages.

  1. Probuphine:

Another new breakthrough technology in the treatment of opioid addiction is the buprenorphine implant called Probuphine. This implant provides a constant stream of low level dosage for six months to the addicts that are on a complete treatment program. Probuphine comes in the form of one-inch rod that is implanted under the skin of forearm. One can easily forget taking treatment pills regularly which became one of the popular reason for using these implants.

  1. Lofexidine Hydrochloride

This one is the only non-addictive and non-narcotic drug for the treatment of opioid addiction recently approved by FDA. This drug has been used to detoxify more than 200,000 opiate addicts successfully in UK. The release of adrenaline is suppressed using this drug which reduces withdrawal symptoms to some extent. It is actually an adrenergic receptor agonist which helps in the lessening of the withdrawal symptoms.


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