Obesity and Skin Tags

Obesity and Skin Tags

There have been a number of different causes identified that lead to skin tags and one of these is obesity. Many of the negative outcomes associated with being overweight are well known, but skin tags are something that will often get forgotten about. This is probably because these skin    Bio Spenny   blemishes are not considered life threatening.


While it is true that skin tags are not dangerous to our health they are something that can be bad for our sense of well-being. In fact some people will be so bothered by these small skin flaps that they will avoid doing things that they might otherwise enjoy. Skin tags are just one of a number of different skin conditions that people who are overweight will be more at risk of developing.

Why Does Obesity Cause Skin Tags?

So what is it about obesity that makes people CASRO Annual more prone to developing this type of skin blemish? Is it something in their diet or the fact that they are not getting enough exercise? This is important information because if we know what is causing the problem we might be in a better position to prevent it in the first place.  To explain the association between skin tags and obesity we will need to look a bit closer at what a skin tag actually is.

A skin tag is a type of benign tumor that people can get on their skin. They are usually small but they can become quite noticeable. A skin tag is also referred to as an acrochordon and it is made up of blood vessels and bunches of collagen. We actually understand a lot more about the causes of skin tags then we do about the process of how they form.

It has been agreed by the experts that skin tags must usually occur because skin has been rubbing against skin. This irritation seems to be enough to cause these growths, and it explains why skin tags tend to be found in certain parts of the body most of all. This makes it more understandable why obese people should get the condition as they will tend to have folds of skin where a lot of rubbing of skin against skin can occur. Not all obese or overweight people will develop skin tags, but it will certainly increase their risk of having to deal with this problem.

Dealing with Obesity and Skin Tags

While it is true that in many ways skin tags are harmless to our health they can still be something that we just don’t want to have on our body. Luckily there are a number of treatments available that will help us get rid of these skin blemishes, but ideally we would probably prefer to stop them coming in the first place. One way then that we could reduce our risk of developing these unattractive skin flaps would be to do what we need to do to maintain a healthy weight. Knowing what causes skin tags is the most important element of stopping them arriving in the first place.


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