Pregnancy and Skin Tags

Pregnancy and Skin Tags

pregnancy skin tagsSkin tags are a benign skin growth that is usually found on those parts of the body that will have creases. There is a lot of uncertainty about the reason why these occur, but a number of causes have been identified for them. One of the most frequently cited reasons why people will get skin tags is pregnancy. In this article we will examine some of the reasons why this is the case.

The Connection between Pregnancy and Skin Tags

In order to understand the connection between pregnancy and skin tags a bit better it will be necessary to have a close look at what these skin blemishes actually are. The average skin tag is about ½ an inch in length and it will protrude from skin on what looks like a stalk.

It doesn’t tend to cause any pain unless it gets nicked when shaving the area. The tag is made up of blood vessels and collagen and as we have already mentioned it will most usually be found on those parts of the body that have creases; this is why it is so common to see skin tags on places like he eyebrows, neck, armpits, and groin area.

The Cause of Skin Tags in Pregnancy

There is not agreement about the process of how skin tags come into being, but it is generally agreed that it has something to do with skin rubbing against skin. This will explain why it most commonly occurs in certain parts of the body where there are creases; this is the most likely place where skin will rub skin. This explanation also helps us partially understand why pregnant women are more prone to developing skin tags.

While it is true that pregnant women will have more skin rubbing against skin as their body grows to accommodate a baby, this is not the only reason why they seem to be more at risk of skin tags. It also seems that the change in hormones that the women experiences during pregnancy also increases her risk of developing the condition. So when we consider this increased incidence of skin rubbing against skin combined with a change of hormones it is understandable why pregnant women should be more at risk of developing the skin blemish.

Dealing with Skin Tags Caused by Pregnancy

The good news is the woman is over her pregnancy period there will be no reason for why further skin tags should appear; of course they could still appear for other reasons. For most women though, once their baby has been born that there will be no further occurrences. The skin tags that they do have will likely disappear eventually, but there are also some great treatments that can help speed the process alone. It is understandable that women might be eager to get rid of skin tags. They are not dangerous to health but they can make people feel a bit embarrassed about having them; some people might be so self conscious that treatment to have them removed makes sense.


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